Robyn Doll March 2014 Singer Spotlight
Congratulations to Robyn Doll of Windsor, CA on winning our February 2014 AE Singer Spotlight. AE gave him a $30 dollar karaoke gift card, either to purchase new music or pay for a monthly karaoke supscription to acess thousands of songs. Also, she has automatically entered into our Singer Spotlight Of The Year.
The winner of the Singer Spotlight Of The Year will receive a $100 karaoke gift card and numerous gift certificates from all of our venues that we host karaoke at. Winners will be randomly picked by AE Karaoke owner Dennis Anderson and our team of Hosts.
We interviewed Robyn and wanted everyone to get to know one of our karaoke customers/singers on what her thoughts on karaoke, winning and just about her.
(AE) Tell us a little about yourself?
(Robyn)I am 45 years old, mom of three grown kids. I am the regional administrator for Aflac and karaoke is my favorite hobby.
(AE) Where is your favorite place or places to sing karaoke?
(Robyn) I've enjoyed many places over time. Recently I think the Greenhouse has been my favorite, followed by Quincy's.
(AE) When did you start singing karaoke?
(Robyn) I first sang karaoke in 1994 in San Diego!
(AE) What are you going to do with your gift card, buy new karaoke music and/or put it towards karaoke subscription?
(Robyn) I will probably buy new music!!
(AE) How does singing make you feel?
(Robyn) Singing is therapeutic for me. Sometimes to sum up how I feel that day. Mostly just because it makes me feel joyful.
(AE) How often (days) do you sing karaoke in a week?
(Robyn) I am usually out at karaoke 2 to 3 times a week, once in a while 4. One week I made it 7 nights in a row to different venues!
(AE) How many hours do you sing karaoke in any given night?
(Robyn) I am usually at a venue from beginning to end. I will arrive early and stay until the end.
(AE) What is your most favorite moment singing karaoke?
(Robyn) There have been ALOT! Singing a duet with a great partner, getting the crowd into a song. Watching my 6 year old nephew belt out "Don't Stop Believing"
(AE) What is your least favorite moment singing karaoke?
(Robyn) Watching someone who might not be super great get no applause or attention or worse, something negative from the crowd. We're all there to have fun!
(AE) What determines where you go to sing karaoke?
(Robyn) I like a to have a good song list available, fair and fun KJ, reasonable priced cocktails or food (I like to support the venue) and lastly, a good sound system!
(AE) If you could make your karaoke venue better, what would that be?
(Robyn) The removal of "Call me Maybe" from the filler music!! Ha ha!
(AE) Additional comments or words to us?
(Robyn) I think Anderson Entertainment is doing an awesome job providing karaoke at our local venues. I always have a great time and I love all the KJ's!! Thank you for all the hard work!! Keep it up!!!
Congratulations Robyn and enjoy your $30 gift from AE Karaoke.